Resistance hero and key factor in the Impeachment farce LTC Alexander Vindman has announced his retirement from the Army.
A statement from attorney David Pressman said Vindman was leaving the Army after more than 21 years after it had been made clear “that his future within the institution he has dutifully served will forever be limited.”
“Through a campaign of bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, the president of the United States attempted to force LTC Vindman to choose: Between adhering to the law or pleasing a President. Between honoring his oath or protecting his career. Between protecting his promotion or the promotion of his fellow soldiers. LTC Vindman’s patriotism has cost him his career.”
Army veteran Sen. Tammy Duckworth; D-IL said last week that she would put a hold on more than 1,000 military promotions until she was assured by Defense Secretary Mark Esper that Vindman’s promotion would not be blocked.

See also: The Duckworth conundrum
I say good riddance to bad rubbish. That he thought, as a Lieutenant Colonel, he could dictate policy was ridiculous.