Creepy yet Accurate

Yesterday I went to town lookin like this

it worked out rather well, social distancing wasn’t a problem.

I did have one concern, seeing people on their phones while going about my business, since this state is an open carry state and my constant companion is a sidearm

I did wonder how many of the mask nutters were trying to dial 911

no one said anything to me


am I looking for trouble….of course not

I will MOCK our resting bitchface governor at every oppportunity given

I’ve never viewed clowns as creepy or scary

just cartoonish

seeing this guy, hearing his words

it’s creepy how so many are afraid of living their life, being influenced by the desires of others

no Idea who that guy is for speaking out and speaking up

I view him as a Patriot. His talents an skill sets are different than ours

that too is a good thing

this site’s very name exemplifies such people

and in conclusion August 4th is our primary and since there’s no DICTATES on mask configuration, I was thinking 2 possibles

what they gonna do, ask me to remove it?

that would be against the very premise of using the mask for greater good
