Deep Thoughts with KITDAFBS

Typically, when I’m writing a news piece, I try to put aside my personal opinions and just present the facts as I know them. I’m not always successful, as I’m sarcastic and snarky by nature. I let myself snark and sarcast in the View from Here, because that particular post was originally intended to be a semi-regular rant. It’s morphed into something a bit different tho…a relatively objective synopsis of the day’s news.

This post, I think anyway, will be where I offer my own take on events, and offer my analysis of the news of the day. Who knows if I’ll keep it up, at this point I’m not sure myself.

I was thinking about the mass unrest we’re seeing around the country (you can see our coverage here, here, here and here) and a couple of things stuck out to me. First, and this seems pretty obvious, most of the riots are occurring in Democratically led states and cities. I’ve heard some pretty glib explanations for this, mainly boiling down to the Dems control most of the larger population centers, but they don’t hold water.

Take Atlanta for example. There’s been a D behind the mayor’s name there for as long as I can recall, yet the riots there lasted less than 3 days. Meanwhile, Portland is going on the 59th day of rioting.

Why is that? Quite frankly, it’s the fact that the mayor of that city permits it to happen. The same can be said of Seattle. And as long as the rioters are being told it Ok, they’re going to continue.

I saw something today, and I can’t recall where, to the effect that if you want to stop these riots, cut off cell service to the affected areas. Makes sense to me. It’s a basic tactic in warfare, cut commo. You can be sure AntiFa and BLM are using cell phones to organize and communicate.

The children, and yes, they’re children having a temper tantrum, perpetrating this violence grew up with a smartphone glued to their heads and wouldn’t know what to do if they couldn’t text, tweet, snap or update on their Instagram stories what they’re doing.

We’ve raised a generation that gets it’s validation from likes and upvotes and retweets.

And before anyone gets their panties all wadded up, I’m using the collective “we”, and not casting aspersions on your particular parenting skills. Unless one of your spawn is involved, then I am blaming you personally.

Remember when we were told we needed to flatten the curve? Yeah, so do I. Well, if you actually look at the important numbers, the curve has been flattened. The total number of cases is up, but a lot of that is due to the massive number of tests. What isn’t up, as a percentage, is the deaths and hospitalizations.

All the hype about hospitals being overrun in Florida, Texas and Arizona is garbage, pure and simple.

Let me ask you a question; you can answer in the comments section below, and I won’t provide the answer until later. What do you think is normal ICU capacity as a percentage of beds?

Whatever your answer, you’re likely too low. And the current ICU capacity in all the major cities with so-called large outbreaks are below that number.

While I’m going on about covid, what up with the goalposts? They keep moving. We flattened the curve, then it was number of daily tests, then daily deaths, now vaccines. Pretty soon it’s going to be zero new cases. All for a virus that is actually less lethal than the seasonal flu. What’s more, this virus is deadly to a very limited segment of the population. We know how to protect them, yet we don’t.

DYK: there have been more covid deaths in people over 70 than there have been in people under 60. Also, the total number of kids, 17 and under, that have died from the WuFlu number in the double digits.and nearly all of them had some underlying condition (s) that made them specifically vulnerable.