In The Fall, Democrats Will…

Earlier this week, The Federalist had an interesting article. The headline read: 


In The Fall, Democrats Will Lock Down America Again

They cite information relating to the increase in COVID-19 cases and the reactions of various governors. There is no surprise cases have increased. Normal citizens followed masking edicts while the anarchists were allowed to go about the business of burning and looting. They were allowed to go masklessNormal citizens were precluded from gathering in groups, or else; whereas anarchists were free to gather in any size group they chose. 

Where the article gets into the reason for the forthcoming lock-down is a statement, by a former Obama economist. He states:

“We are about to see the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country,” Obama economist Jason Furman warned a group of prominent Democrats in April, spiking fears among those on the call that a comeback economy could bolster President Donald Trump’s chances at re-election

Another Obama acolyte told Politico:

 “This is my big worry,” one former Obama official told Politico, who said the “level of concern” was “high, high, high, high” among party leaders. 

The Federalist further says:

“Meanwhile, Democrats’ incentives for reimposing lockdowns are clear no matter the costs. With just more than 100 days until the election, Democrats can cite rising cases as ample reason to issue fresh shutdown orders in the name of “public health,” even as the lockdowns became worse than the cure.”

Therein is the answer. It is not, nor has it ever been, about the health of citizens. It is about the election and removing of Trump from office. The mere fact he was elected has caused nothing less then hysteria within the progressive politicos. The fact he made campaign promises and succeeded, in some measure, is beyond acceptable. 

During the prior administration, we were told the economy could not improve. This was shown to be an untruth. 

During the previous administration, we were told walls would not reduce illegal immigration. This was shown to be an untruth.

When Trump said he would pass tax reform, it was said it could not be done. This was shown to be an untruth. 

The last paragraph is an excellent conclusion. The author, Tristan Justice, opines:

The poison of polarization has clearly infected enough people to spark a partisan pandemic in which incessant hysteria will no longer be in good-faith concern for the public’s well-being but a calculated risk to defeat political opponents. No one, of course, would be stupid enough to say it out loud.

I have often been known to wear a hat. It looks like this. 

Under that hat is a brain saying, there will be another lockdown and it has nothing to do with health. It is about stopping a President who has shown the Democrats he is working to follow through on his campaign promises to improve the life of citizens. My brain is, further, saying the anarchy will continue as well; however, that is a topic for another day.