In Their Own Words. . .

Video has surfaced of Portland AntiFa organizer Lilith Sinclair  speaking at a rally. She can be heard advocating for the end of the US among other things.

Related: I asked a question once

Chance’s view on the topic

Here’s what she’s said previously in June:

From Willamette Week:

For me, I cannot look at and will not look at these moments and these movements that are happening right now—we’re living through history—as riots. Instead, what they actually are, are the uprisings that the U.S. and every other imperialist and capitalist, racist and oppressive system has seen across history. There only comes a certain level to which you can ask large and vast numbers of people to sacrifice their literal health, lives and sanity for the capitalist system that will not provide for them and will also exploit their labor for the protection of the continual padding of the pockets of the 1 percent.

This is what leading Democrats like Nancy Pelosi are defending. This is where the Democrats are leading us.