Manhattan Planned Parenthood…

The news site Red State had this headline on July 21, Manhattan Planned Parenthood Removes Name of Racist Founder Margaret Sanger But Happily Continues Her Mission. The article goes on to provide a quote from the NYT;

From NYT: 

Planned Parenthood of Greater New York will remove the name of Margaret Sanger, a founder of the national organization, from its Manhattan health clinic because of her “harmful connections to the eugenics movement,” the group said on Tuesday.

Ms. Sanger, a public health nurse who opened the first birth control clinic in the United States in Brooklyn in 1916, has long been lauded as a feminist icon and reproductive-rights pioneer.

But her legacy also includes supporting eugenics, a discredited belief in improving the human race through selective breeding, often targeted at poor people, those with disabilities, immigrants and people of color.

“The removal of Margaret Sanger’s name from our building is both a necessary and overdue step to reckon with our legacy and acknowledge Planned Parenthood’s contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities of color,” Karen Seltzer, the chair of the New York affiliate’s board, said in a statement.

The usual suspects (progressives) are cheering this. Their pea brains believe this will remove the accusations that they are racist and committing genocide. In fact, for their customary audience, it will work. They refuse to look at the locations of Planned UnParenthood clinics. 

See also: Slick

In 2015, a map was produced showing the locations of their “clinic” locations. The map and statement were published in Breitbart and I have included it along with the one paragraph conclusion. 

The map below, produced by, shows Planned Parenthood abortion facilities “located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods.” African-American neighborhoods are represented by blue, and Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods are represented by red.

They may remove Margaret Sanger’s name; however, they continue her eugenics practices. 

So who are the racists; pro life groups or Planned UnParenthood?