not a road block

let the World know, I will not stop at blm/pantifa roadblocks

see things from my point of view instead of theirs

they’ll view me as a bad man for not stopping

while I see

myself with a good heart, bouncing a few with the hopes it’ll knock some sense into them

to which their parents didn’t, so I’ll do it while smiling

Now some may think, or even say

you just don’t care bout nothin, just yourself

it’s those people who assume from a false position

I submit the following morning incident as proof

no sooner did I get on the cement, trouble started with a damn road block of sorts, well kinda sorta

see what what I mean

of course I stopped with plenty of room for mama an her fornication trophy’s to cross

do notice there no is cross walk paint designating to cross at the proper place. moose are like that

put up a moose crossing sign

see what happens

trust me, you could sit days watching to see if moose cross there, they won’t and don’t

up the road some an down the road some they will do that

Back to the road block. after about 4 minutes I was hoping to be on way, but nooo, i had to say

hurry up get outta road already!

That done did it. momma was pissed. she turned and was coming for me

just a squawkin (bitchin)

right to the truck still squawkin (bitchin). after she had her say

she turn herself an crew started back across the road. when she cleared my lane

I could have taken off, but I didn’t, there was a car coming in that lane so I took my cover waved it out the window

as in slo the hell down then stop, they did

2 views could gleaned from this

one: even though I hunt, fish & trap

I have decent heart


God’s doin

His way of sayin calm the hell down, you’re not going into town, just close to town

I shall file this incident under:

When a 3 year old hands you a phone an says it’s for you

I don’t care how Big and Bad you are

you best answer it