Of Ankle Monitors and House Arrest. . .

A couple from Kentucky have been fitted with ankle monitors and placed under house arrest.

Elizabeth Linscott and her husband, Isaiah, got tested for Covid as a precaution because they were planning to visit her parents in Michigan. Their troubles began after the test came back positive.

After testing positive but without showing any symptoms, Linscott said the health department contacted her and requested she sign documents that will limit her traveling anywhere unless she calls the health department first. She said she chose to not sign.

“My part was if I have to go to the ER, if I have to go to the hospital, I’m not going to wait to get the approval to go,” she said.

A couple of days after she declined to sign the Self-isolation and Controlled Movement Agreed Order, Linscott said the Hardin County Sheriff’s Department arrived at her home without warning. Her husband, Isaiah, was home.

“I open up the door, and there’s like eight different people, five different cars,” he said. “I’m like, ‘What the heck’s going on?‘ This guy’s in a suit with a mask. It’s the health department guy, and he has three papers for us – for me, her and my daughter.” The couple was ordered to wear ankle monitors. If they travel more than 200 feet, law enforcement will be notified.

Elizabeth Linscott said that although she never refused to self-quarantine, “that’s exactly what the director of the public health department told the judge. . . I’m like, ‘that’s not the case at all. I never said that,” she said.

The couple plans on hiring an attorney.