Oh Joe. . .

Presumptive Democratic nominee for President, Joe Biden, apparently failed all of his history courses. (I’m being kind here, he is old and all, and me Mam was a nice Irish lady who raised her son to respect his elders. . . )

In his latest remarks Biden claimed that Trump was the first racist President.


Ok then. Perhaps I was being too kind, and Joe is really slipping into the depths of dementia.

Either way, forgotten is the fact that several Presidents owned slaves, one, James K. Polk, actually traded in slaves from the White House. Woodrow Wilson resegregated federal service and showed KKK propaganda at the White House. Nevermind the anti-Semitic FDR and the openly racist LBJ.

It seems to me, that of the two men vying for the Oval Office, Joe is the one with a racism problem. He’s made a series of oddly racist comments throughout his political history. Just recently, he decided to announce that a black person is not actually black if they don’t vote for him.