Welcome to the first edition of the Prepper’s Corner, where we’ll discuss the art of the prep. We’ll cover everything from getting started to advanced prepping.
Let’s start with the basics. And it doesn’t get more basic than the rule of three.
The Rule of Three helps you to remember the most important and prioritize the most urgent needs that you may have when in a survival situation.
- Three minutes without air or in icy water.
- Three hours without shelter in a harsh environment.
- Three days without water if you have shelter.
- Three weeks without food if you have shelter and water.

The first of the three is pretty self explanatory. If you can’t breathe, you’ve got about 3 minutes to live. An unprotected person will fall victim to hypothermia in short order in cold water.
The second rule can be interpreted in a couple of ways. Shelter doesn’t always mean a roof. In some instances, a fire or other source of heat will serve you better than a house. Conversely, there are times when a simple sun shade will be the choice. Regardless of the situation shelter from the elements is the primary concern in a survival situation.
Next up is water. The human body is around 60% water. A source of potable water is a must. Finding and purifying water is going to be your next mission after you find or build your shelter.
Food is the least of your concerns. The human body can last a relatively long time without food. That said, insufficient caloric intake can drastically reduce the amount of physical activity you can perform before tiring.
Got any tips about how to secure any of the items in the rule of three?
Been in a situation where you were in need of the three?
Have a suggestion for future editions of the Prepper’s Corner?
Let us know in the comments section below.