Really?… I do not care. Really.

I am sure everyone has seen that SOCIALIST sign, and it is the SHEEP who make sure it’s strictly adhered to

my everyday view from the porch

Never did understand why people want to live on top of each other like city people

one would think living like that, people would get along with each other

that’s not the case

they be at each others throats for whatever reason….. even made up ones

I want no part of that

to be a civilized Man one must what?

go to the best schools, drive a fancy car, have a fat bank account?

maybe it’s owning more than 3 suits.

well if that’s the standard…. I must be uncivilized.

no matter how much the Nuns worked me over

3 suits

one for good times, one for sad times, and one for datin’

how many suits does a guy really need?

I went to school out east in fact

let’s just say everyone talked like the JFK except me

Was 2 hundred yards out today

no shirt, no boots, an no DAMN mask

one salmon fish quartered fillets

you do the math

I get tired of fish? no

extra stuff

I pray that I may live to fish
Until my dying day.
And when it comes to my last cast,
I then most humbly pray:
When in the Lord’s great landing net
And peacefully asleep
That in His mercy I be judged
Big enough to keep.

While Jr. is from the South,

ya know he was singing about me too