the Most deadly place known to Mankind

I was going to go with KILL KILL KILL but that sounded too aggressive for a title

I got a call yesterday

hey man


I achieved Victory!

I take it you weren’t fishin on the lake

ohh no

the phone conversation went down hill from there

Matt says

ya know how Man has to send his polliwogs into the danger zone of the fertile valley for the purpose of the bloodline to continue?


and what’s waitin for all those polliwogs?

that’s right.

the Amazonian antibody kill warriors with one mission.

one mission only, to Kill

Matt can I ask you something?


is this what you think about while attempting to impregnate your Woman?

well chance it did cross my mind a couple of times

as you know we’ve been tryin to have a baby for awhile


well those amazonian warrior antibodies, I must’ve weakened them

Matt I’m not the 1st you contacted with this victory am I?

Ohh hell no you are the 2nd to the last

well thanks for that Matt

Matt why you calling me?

Well she’s already with the names

I want a cool indian name and you are indian, soooooo

Matt, you are Finnish and Swede and blonde

I don’t care

not happening Matt, I don’t need your Woman on my ass for your dumb shit



one last thing man, you know the sound of Victory?

Morning Sickness!!!!

umm I’m hanging up now Matt …click