The Portland Problem

For the past 50 nights, there have been riots, err, peaceful protests in the city of Portland. At least that’s what the media and Democratic politicians would have you believe.

The facts on the ground are a bit different. AntiFa and BLM have assaulted police, assaulted bystanders, set fire to buildings, toppled statues and graffitied any and everything they could. Here are some of the disturbing images and video that have been taken in the Rose City since the unrest started.

Related: Justice

By Walt Mow

I wrote about the Feds response in yesterday’s View from Here. It seems they have a list, and they’re not bothering with checking it twice. They are reportedly snatching people right off the streets, hustling them into unmarked vans, and transporting them directly to the federal courthouse. Some have been charged, some haven’t and some, well, we just don’t know. My take is if the authorities in Portland won’t or can’t take care of the problem, then the feds need to step up and do so.

This has gone way beyond peaceful protesting and well into rioting and insurrection. Its past time for these riots to be put down.