The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Lake George, taken from behind Ft. William Henry, in the village of Lake George NY.

It seems, at least according to the Media, the feds are snatching peaceful protesters right off the streets of Portland. Stormtroopers are what Nancy Pelosi is calling them. From what I can find, the arrests being made by the feds there are not just random. It seems that they have a list of people, many of whom are facing charges for previous unrest. Shipwreckedcrew, a writer for RedState and a former federal prosecutor, posits the feds involved are DEA based on the actions and dress. I’d tend to agree, as an FBI agent looks like an FBI agent. DEA agents don’t look like feds, at least in my limited experience.

The WHO hired a PR firm to help with that agency’s image. For a mere $135,000, the firm Hill + Knowlton Strategies engaged with social media influencers to spread the WHO’s message.

The firm’s influencer focus included:

  • Macro Influencers -those with large followings (1M+) such as celebrities for greater amplification of WHO messaging
  • Micro Influencers -those with smaller but highly engaged followings who function as trusted advisors and informed validators
  • Hidden Heroes -those without significant followings but who nevertheless shape and guide conversations, such as health experts appearing frequently on news programs
  • The scientific, medical and health community -to ensure they believe and advocate the advice given
  • Media -to ensure that articles are balanced in a time of concern verging on panic and uncertainty
  • NGOs -to ensure peer groups and local grassroots organizations endorse the role of WHO and its advice
  • The informed public -those that read everything and use their own channels and networks to validate or invalidate claims

And they wonder why nobody trusts them.

I was always a fan of the Round Mound of Rebound. Charles Barkley’s latest comments haven’t done anything to change my opinion.

“Listen, DeSean Jackson, Stephen Jackson, Nick Canon, Ice Cube – Man, what the hell are y’all doing?” asked Barkley in a Steam Room podcast. “Y’all want racial equality,” Barkley began. “We all do. I don’t understand how insulting another group helps our cause.”

See also: Commander’s Intent.

By Paul Evancoe

I’m going to let you guess why the Democrat governor of PA is withholding those funds.

A Fordham student says he’s been disciplined for taking a photo with a firearm. Andrew Tong ran afoul of the university’s regulations “relating to bias/and or hate crimes” as well as the school’s policy against “threats/intimidation” with two social media posts. What exactly did he post? A picture of murdered retired St. Louis police captain David Dorn with a caption of “Y’all a bunch of hypocrites.” In the second post, Tong posed with a rifle, captioning the picture “Don’t tread on me #198964” with emojis of the U.S. and Chinese flags.

Tong says the second post was a reference to Tiananmen square massacre.

As part of his disciplinary probation, which will remain in effect until he graduates, Tong is banned from representing the university in any extracurricular activities or running for or holding leadership roles in student organizations. Tong can no longer enter the university campus without the dean’s permission, and he has to finish the remainder of the school year through remote learning. In what Tong described as a “Soviet nightmare,” the university is also demanding him to complete “implicit bias” training with the Office of Multicultural Affairs and write an apology letter.

Iran suffered another mysterious explosion today. An oil pipeline exploded in Ahwaz in the western Khuzestan Province in Iran, according to Iranian media. No official report has confirmed that the oil pipeline was the source of the explosion as of yet. This is the latest in a series of unexplained fires and explosions in the Islamic Republic. There are reports they the Iranian air defense systems are on high alert. The European civil aviation authority has issued a warning to all carriers about overflying Iranian airspace.

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