The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Old Forge pond, at Old Forge NY. The pond is the terminus of the Fulton chain of lakes in the western Adirondacks.

Chris Murphy, the Democratic governor of America’s armpit err New Jersey had something to say about those who disagree with his diktats since the WuFlu pandemic started.

“If you don’t like our leadership here, why don’t you go down to Georgia and see how that feels?” Murphy said  to reporters at a Friday press conference.

The armpit, umm, New Jersey is second only to New York in covid deaths in the US. Georgia has had just over 3,000 deaths since the beginning of the crisis. New Jersey has seen more than five times that many deaths, with almost 16,000 now dead from the virus. 

Republican Senator from Missouri, Josh Hawley has introduced legislation that would enable the government to fine companies that have forced labor in their supply chains. The proposed legislation would require companies to certify to the U.S. Department of Labor that their companies are not using slave labor in their supply chains, in addition to publishing a report of the company’s efforts to ensure their supply chains are free of forced labor. The bill would also allow the Labor Secretary to fine companies up to $500 million for failing to comply.

While I’m generally against more government, this seems like something that should have been done a while ago. Wonder how all of the virtue signalling CEOs are going to take it?

The FDA has issued warnings about some hand sanitizer products. These products contain methanol, and can be dangerous if used.

“Methanol is not an acceptable active ingredient for hand sanitizers and must not be used due to its toxic effects,” the FDA warns. “Consumers who have been exposed to hand sanitizer containing methanol and are experiencing symptoms should seek immediate treatment for potential reversal of toxic effects of methanol poisoning.”

There are currently 75 products on the list, you can see them here.

The Supreme Court has denied House Democrats request for an expedited hearing on their subpoena of President Trump’s financial records. Court records show that Justice Sotomayor would have approved of the request.

Do you remember Dick Heller? He was the guy who sued Washington DC over gun ownership. Well, he’s thinking of bringing another suit. This time over the amount of time it takes to get firearms transferred in the District. Heller has been waiting since mid-April for police to process a transfer for a .32 caliber handgun he purchased in Pennsylvania. He accused city authorities of dragging their feet.

“It’s a bureaucracy and they’re understaffed,” Heller said in an interview. “They couldn’t care less. They are noticeably not in a hurry.”

Chance’s favorite governor Gretchen Whitmer has reached a dubious milestone. She’s signed more executive orders than 4 other Great Lakes states.

154 executive orders have been imposed by her royal highness. Meanwhile, Illinois has 46, Indiana 36, Ohio 27, and Wisconsin 53.

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