The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Fourth Lake taken from the village of Eagle Bay NY. Fourth lake is one of the Fulton chain of lakes in Herkimer county NY.

We start off today with some sad news. Peter Green (co founder of Fleetwood Mac) and Regis Philbin both died Saturday. Green, 73, real name Peter Allen Greenbaum, was born on Oct. 29, 1946, in London. Philbin, 88, was born on August 25, 1931 in New York City. Rest in peace gentlemen.

Late yesterday the DOJ announced they had charged 18 individuals in connection with the rioting in Portland.

With regard to the July 20, Jennifer Kristiansen, 37, is charged with assaulting a federal officer; Zachary Duffly, 45, is charged with creating a disturbance; Wyatt Ash-Milby, 18, is charged with trespassing on federal property; and Caleb Ehlers, 23, and Paul Furst, 22, are charged with failing to comply with a lawful order.

With regard to July 21, Taylor Lemons, 31; Giovanni Bondurant, 19; and Gabriel Houston, 22, are charged with assaulting federal officers; Joseph Ybarra, 21, is charged with arson; Jerusalem Callahan, 24, is charged with willfully damaging government property; and Marnie Sager, 27, and Ella Miller, 26, are charged failing to comply with a lawful order.

With regard to July 22, Joseph Lagalo, 37; Baily Dreibelbis, 22; Nicholas Kloiber, 26; David Hazan, 24; Hailey Holden, 30; and Cameron Knuetson, age unknown, are charged with failing to comply with a lawful order.

Your parents must be so proud. . .

You may not know the name Bernell Trammell, but you probably should. He was an outspoken Trump supporter. He also happened to be black. Unfortunately, he was gunned down by an unidentified assailant on Thursday. . Authorities say Trammell, 60, was sitting outside his publishing company when a vehicle pulled in front of the business and someone fatally shot and killed Trammell execution-style before speeding away.

Federal officials wasted no time in getting into the former Chinese consulate in Houston. 40 minutes after the eviction deadline passed, officials broke into a back door of the consulate and a man believed to be a State Department official led the way. The US alleges that the consulate was a nest of Chinese spies who tried to steal data from facilities in Texas, including the Texas A&M medical system and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

King County Superior Court Judge Nelson Lee ordered 5 news organizations to turn over unpublished photos and video to the police so they could identify rioters from the protests in Seattle. The judge placed limits on what crimes could be identified via the images and video however.

Eric “nuke’m” Swalwell weighed in on the FBI spying operation against President Trump. The dolt from California told Fox’s Martha McCallum  “they were right to do it.” He went on (as if that wasn’t enough) “I hope they do it if a Democratic candidate ever does that with any country, So, Martha, remember right before this meeting occurred, candidate Trump said, ‘Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you have Hillary’s emails.’ And what do they do? They actually did it. So think about it.”

We endured 2½ years of the Mueller sham investigation, and no collusion was found. Michael Flynn had his life ruined over this nonsense. And here’s an idiot from the land of fruits and nuts parroting something long debunked.

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