The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Lake Champlain taken from the Vermont side of the lake.

Talk about taking “Karen-ing” too far, a Cali woman pepper sprayed a man for not wearing a mask at a San Diego dog park. Ash O’Brien posted a video of the woman pepper spraying her husband on Facebook. She said she went to the police station to file a complaint after going to the hospital. “I want her to go to jail when she assaulted my husband and I’m angry about it,” she said.

Here’s an addendum to my earlier report about the spreading unrest. A BLM supporter in Aurora CO, shot at a vehicle , missing, but hitting at least two bystanders.

Math geeks have joined the ranks of the social justice warriors. Recently a letter endorsed by more than 1500 mathematicians and computer statisticians that was sent to the journal, Notices of the American Mathematical Society. They want their colleagues in academia to “sever ties” with police departments across the country. They want everyone to halt all work on “predictive policing” software and other high-tech tools used by law enforcement. Because racism or something.

Mike Ditka has something to say to you, and you probably should listen up.

“If you can’t respect our national anthem, get the hell out of the country. That’s the way I feel. Of course, I’m old fashioned. So, I’m only going to say what I feel. I think there’s a way you protest and there’s a way you don’t protest,” the former Chicago Bears coach said.

What you said coach. . . .

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A mob gathered outside the home of Chad Wolf, acting secretary of the DHS, to demand the withdrawal of federal troops from places like Portland. The mob was there to make “social consequences” for Wolf and his family. Wolf has a wife and two young children. 

There were two more notable passings since last we met. Olivia deHaviland, star of Gone with the Wind, and John Saxon, best known for his roles in A Nightmare on Elm Street and Enter the Dragon. deHaviland, 104, died at her home in Paris. Saxon, 83, died in Tennessee. Requiescat in pace.

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