The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Sodus Bay, Wayne co. NY. The bay is located on the south shore of Lake Ontario.

An AntiFa type got outed most embarrassing way since that punk in Phillie got dragged to the police station by his parents. First, this is what he did:

Here’s how he got outed:

Grammy must be soo proud.

Hat tip to Wiz for this one. An attorney for the McCloskeys filed a motion for the entire St Louis attorneys office to be disqualified from their case. Circuit attorney Kim Gardner made multiple references to the McCloskeys in campaign emails and flyers.

In a related note , Gardner is currently the subject of an ethics investigation. She’s alleged to have taken tens of thousands of dollars in free flights and vacations from donors and not disclosing the travel. Sound familiar? Another Soros backed prosecutor, Paul Howard is under investigation for similar issues. He’s the one who charged the officers involved in the Rashard Brooks death.

Rep. Madeleine Dean, dolt, PA, is now claiming AG Bill Barr is a racist misogynist based on his treatment of her during yesterday’s Judiciary hearing. You can watch the exchange here:

So Dean runs to Madcow and bleats about the mistreatment Barr dished out. All Because she got owned on national TV. Nothing says I’m not owned like some gaslighting and outright mendacity. . .

Rep Louie Gohmert, R-TX, has tested positive for the WuFlu. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Teachers in DC pulled a gruesome stunt. The lined up a bunch of “body bags” outside the school administration building.

A video of an arrest in NYC was making the rounds earlier. AOC, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes and many other decried the arrest as kidnapping.

I mean, it’s not like there were a a bunch of uniformed bike cops around, oh wait, there were. Turns out, the warrant squad uses unmarked cars to serve warrants. And the “woman” arrested? Well, I’ll let the Chief of Detectives show you: