It seems even Arlington cemetery is being caught up in the tear it all down movement. The subject this time? the Confederate Memorial statue in section 16 of the cemetery. According to the Washington Post, the Army, which has jurisdiction over Arlington, has asked for direction from the Department of Defense “for display of divisive symbols. Any review would include this memorial.”

I’m torn on this subject, as a historian, I find any attempt at revisionism distasteful, yet this particular monument is revisionism personified. The Latin inscription on the base is a reference to the glorious lost cause mythology that sprung up after the war.
Should we be defacing our history, no. Simply put any society that doesn’t know it’s past is doomed to fail. But to honor those who would have torn this country asunder . . .
Like I said, I’m torn.
I really don’t understand people. An Illinois woman spit in a man’s face because he took his mask off while exiting a Costco. From Fox News:
A woman who claimed to be a teacher assaulted a man and spit in his face when he took his mask off while exiting a Costco store in Illinois, police said.
Elizabeth Mach, 45, allegedly approached a 50-year-old man after he removed his face covering while leaving a Costco store in Mettawa in Lake County, on June 16, the Sheriff’s Office announced Thursday.

Mach was charged with battery and disorderly conduct and released later that day after posting 10 percent of the $40,000 bond imposed by the judge, police said. She is due back in court on July 29. It is unclear if she did actually have COVID-19.
What the hell happened to common courtesy? How did our society become so impolite?
A cat that has been dead for twelve years got a voter registration form. Tell me again that large scale voter fraud doesn’t exist.
I’m just gonna leave this here with no context. . . .
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