The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Oneida lake at sunset, taken from Verona Beach state park.

I have to wonder what is going on with the Trump campaign. Every poll I’ve seen shows Trump trailing Plugs by a considerable margin. My take? The campaign lacks a coherent direction. For every positive step forward, there seems to be a step or two backwards. For historical perspective, this was the position his campaign found itself in 2016. What happened to change it? He brought in Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway to run everything. Perhaps it’s time for a shake up.

Heres a quick update on the Bonhomme Richard, direct from the Navy:

You can find our previous coverage here and here.

Obama apparatchik Valerie Jarrett weighed in on the WuFlu debate.

I hate to sound ableist, but that’s the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard. New York had 33,000 (and counting) covid19 deaths, more than 6,000 in nursing homes and seeded the rest of the goddamned country. In what world is that to be praised? Then again, Jarrett thought the Iranians would abide by the JCPOA.

Speaking of Iran, they seem to be experiencing some accidents of late. The latest happening yesterday at liquid gas plant in the Kavian Fariman industrial zone, south of the city of Masshad. This comes on the heels of explosions at a pair of suspected nuclear sites.

I’d like to take a minute and thank the team here at for all their hard work and dedication. Paul Evancoe, White Knight Leo, AuntiE, Mr Wizard, Walt Mow, Chance, and most of all my partner in crime Rogue Unicorn. Without all of you, this place wouldn’t be what it is. Join me in a big round of applause and a hearty Huzzah!

The bigmouth er, Senator from Hawaii is at it again. Mazie Hirono, in a televised interview, called Trump supporters white supremacists.

I, for one, have had it up to here with politicians saying shite like that, and not getting called on it. I suppose representing a state where there’s zero chance of being voted out has its perks. . . .

Tomorrow is the Alabama GOP Senate run-off. It pits former Alabama senator and Attorney General Jeff I have to recuse myself Sessions and former Auburn head coach Tommy Tuberville. Tuberville led Sessions by 13,000 votes in the regular primary, but Alabama rules state a run-off is necessary. Whoever wins is expected to beat Doug Jones , the Dem who beat Roy Moore for Sessions old seat.

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