The View from Here

Featured image is of Green Lake, Green lakes state park, Fayetteville, New York.

There’s an environmental disaster in the making off the coast of Yemen. A derelict 1180′ oil tanker, with 1.1 million barrels of crude oil aboard, has been left to decay since the start of the Yemeni civil war. The SFO Safer, moored off of Houthi rebel controlled land, hasn’t been maintained for over five years, causing damage to the pipelines and increasing the risk of sinking. Rust has covered parts of the tanker, and the inert gas that prevents the tanks from gathering inflammable gases has leaked out. The tanker is moored near one of the richest fishing grounds in the region. Any leaks could put that fishery at risk.

Staying in the Middle East, Iran is in the middle of an outbreak of unexplained fires and explosions. The latest is a fire at a shipyard in Bushehr, in southern Iran. Over the last several weeks, explosions at a nuclear enrichment complex, a missile production factory, and a gas pipeline in an apartment building in Tehran have raised eyebrows. These mysterious incidents occur as Iranians are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the theocratic regime in Tehran.

An Appeals Court has temporarily blocked enforcement of a lower courts ruling about the Dakota Access Pipeline. U.S. District Judge James Boasberg made the initial move to halt the DAPL, ordering the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in March to complete an Environmental Impact Statement on the pipeline, which could take upward of 13 months to complete. The order from Boasberg would have required Energy Transfer, the company behind the project, to completely drain the pipeline while the EIS was completed.

See also: Here’s what’s problematic. . .

Moderna, one of several companies working on a vaccine for the WuFlu, has reported better than expected results for the phase one trials of it’s candidate. The participants were split into three groups of 15 to test doses of 25 micrograms, 100 micrograms and 250 micrograms. They were given a second dose of the same amount 28 days later. After the first round, antibody levels were found to be higher with higher doses. After the second round, participants had higher levels of antibodies than most patients who have had Covid-19 and gone on to generate their own antibodies.

Dr. Ronny Jackson won a Republican primary run-off race Tuesday night. If that name sounds familiar it is because he is a former White House physician who served at the White House from 2006 to 2018. He served as the president’s physician from 2013 to 2018. He is a retired United States Navy rear admiral. Now he lives in Texas’ 13th District and very likely headed to serving as a member of the House of Representatives in the seat now occupied by retiring Rep. Mac Thornberry.

As has been usual, I’m going to wrap up with some site news. First, remember to mash that bell, bookmark the site and follow on Disqus. That way you can keep up with all the new, original content here. If you’re on the tag list and want off, or not on the tag list and want on let us know in the comments. But once again, we don’t plan on tagging for long.

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