The View from Here

Featured image is of Skaneateles lake at sunset. The lake is one of the Finger lakes in upstate NY.

Attorney General William Barr issued a stark warning about the Chinese Communist Party today.

“The CCP has launched an orchestrated campaign, across all of its many tentacles in Chinese government and society, to exploit the openness of our institutions in order to destroy them,” Barr said during an address at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum.

To achieve their goals, Barr said, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is utilizing “a wide array of predatory and often unlawful tactics” that include currency manipulation, theft of intellectual property, cyberattacks  and espionage.

Never Trumper and grifter, err, Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver is exactly what he’s been trying to paint Trump as; A Russian agent. Filings have surfaced showing Wilson is a registered lobbyist for a Russian Energy firm.

Weaver signed a contract last month to lobby on behalf of the Tenam Corporation, a subsidiary of Rosatom, the Russian state-owned nuclear energy company. Weaver will lobby Congress and the Trump administration on “sanctions or other restrictions in the area of atomic (nuclear) energy, trade or cooperation involving in any way the Russian Federation,” according to a disclosure filing. six-month contract is worth $350,000, plus expenses, with an option to extend if necessary. “Time is of the essence in the Agreement,” the contract reads, according to a copy filed with the Justice Department.

Wilson, and the rest of his Vichy republican group, can, well this is a PG rated site, so I’ll leave it to your imagination.

Isaiah Thomas Willoughby was arrested today. Who is he (yes, I’m assuming his gender and pronouns) you might ask? He’s the anarchist who set fire to the Seattle precinct during the riots there a few weeks ago.

This is the third case we have charged federally for the criminal acts that tainted otherwise peaceful protests.  Other crimes remain under investigation and may result in additional federal charges,” U.S. Attorney Brian Moran released a statement. “Those who worked to turn protests into riots will not escape accountability for their criminal conduct.”  

He faces a mandatory minimum of five years in prison with the possibility of 20 years. 

Fort Lauderdale police had an interesting encounter today. They arrested a kangaroo.

How long before #Kangaroolivesmatter starts trending? Here’s a photo of the miscreant marsupial behind bars.

The US, UK and Canada have all accused Russia of hacking Covid vaccine research.

Advisories have been issued to strengthen security around those efforts, and the message to Vladimir Putin seems clear — back off.

Now for some site news. We have added two new members to the team. Join me in welcoming WhyNot and STFB. I’m proud to say I’ve known the two of them as long as I’ve been on Disqus. They both took the time to show me how to be an effective moderator. I am extremely pleased that they have joined the team here.

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