Trading Post Blues

Yaknow, wait, no you don’t so I’ll tell ya upfront. I was in a great mood this mornin

being almost dressed

boots an cover with coffee lookin at the lake, and ohh myyy what a lake she is

it strange I talk to the lake?

I don’t think so, been doin it for years

lady I hate leave ya but I business to attend to, it’s always a one sided conversation with her

not unlike a teevee

off I went to the tradin post

it don’t look like much on the outside but there’s reason that

if one keeps the place lookin like a rummage sale

when the Taxman cometh he will take that into consideration as you should to!

So in I went first thing I hear is cussing


cousin, I hope God strikes you down and I am there to bear witness

what you wanting? well I don’t wanna know who pissed on your cornflakes, that’s fer sure

I come for can goods

well you are SOL cousin

4 racks 3 shelves each bare,stripped clean

my cousin walks over hands me a coffee, some useless chit chat about hoarders, locusts, along with other lowlifes

( which I probably know )

Well cousin least I’ll get gramma sticky buns that my sis promised to make for me

IF I picked up some .22L for her

squirrel problem eh?

she hates them

2 boxes of the R sub I grabbed

at these prices cousin

those buns best have caramel dripping hot

then he says hey man look at this, just got in the mail this is for a customer

yaknow we get those in at 550.00 plus some change

but not this guy

he ordered online from Palmetto with shipping UP here cost him 850.00

He ain’t right in the head

cousin did you run his name an paper work?

yeah, he checked out real good

I’d say he’s checked out alright we both grinned , more like a grimace as in ewwwwwwww

5.00 bucks for the sign?


and yes I wore more then just my cover an boots into the trading post

my cousin has guns an he knows how to use them very well

one cool item about the lake

she don’t care what kind of music I blast

cues up the Albino bro’s