U.K. Suspends Extradition Treaty with Hong Kong

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab announced that the Brits are suspending the extradition treaty with Hong Kong due to the far reaching effects of China’s new national security law. The U.K. joins the United States, Australia and Canada in abrogating extradition treaties with the semi-autonomous island.

The move comes days after the British dealt Chinese tech giant Huawei a major blow by excluding that company from the British 5G networks due to national security concerns.

Monday’s move extends an arms embargo to Hong Kong, preventing the export of lethal weapons that could be used for internal repression. The British have embargoed arms to the PRC since 1989.

The U.K. has offered Hong Kong residents a path to British citizenship and residency after Prime Minister Boris Johnson accused China of a “serious breach” of the terms under which the U.K. returned the city in 1997.