1909 and beyond!

As if bug out bags don’t have enough already, the speedy stitcher is a very useful item to have, and can make quick repairs on canvas equipment, or even sail material. Real sinew ran over a ball of wax is what I still prefer instead of the fake sinew, as I am old school. I did have a mama-san ask me “where you learn sew button”? I got a mama at home, a mean one. Mama-san smiled in agreement. I haven’t used the stitcher on the rabbit skins because the hide is delicate like me and I don’t want to use an over size needle.

Why the rubber mallet?

For pounding the seams down (GENTLY)

now why would one pound fur?

Hides have a little give to it so gently stretch and pound that way the hair lays down nicer

Seams, they are not like a running a bead while welding, one continuous bead; instead each panel has 2 or 3 separate sewn half hitch lines in case one breaks, and it only breaks there which makes it easier to repair

There won’t always be new clothes to buy off the shelf. Couple of EMP strikes for example

Y’all be wishing it was 1909, instead of waking up into something resembling the 1600’s, with the dead and dying all over the place