Basket Weaving Education Employment

In the past, some athletes were known for taking easy/crip courses to maintain their college GPA and eligibility to play their sport. They were, often, referred to as “basket weaving courses.”

Those courses have moved into mainstream classes. Social Justice Warriors pursue such heady topics as; gender studies, theory of race, diversity/inclusiveness, etc. Making sure to have the correct thinking professor, they may add a philosophy course along with a political science course. These courses offer the student (I use that term very loosely) reading materials from experts. They spend inordinate amounts of class time chit chatting about what has been presented. 

While pursuing these heady topics, they are racking up student debt, which they want us to absolve them from repaying. Once they leave the hallowed halls of academia, they face the profound shock of no employment being available. They ponder how they can change society to provide them employment. Here enters the “defund the police” mantra. 

If one closely reads every article on said mantra, you will see where police will be replaced with individuals with knowledge on societal issues ie racism, homophobia, transphobia, phobia on phobia, et al. 

It has taken some length of time. It has taken painting all police as racist murderers. It has taken hourly saying POC (people of color) are endangered and new practices dealing with crime must be instituted. It has taken protests, looting, riots; however, at long last, these unemployable basket weaving degree holders have found a way to become employed.