Grammar Is Racist

An English department at a public university (Rutgers) has declared that proper English grammar is racist.

The English Department chairwoman, Rebecca Walkowitz, wrote an email saying the department will change its standards in English instruction. The purpose of this change is to “stand with and respond” to the BLM movement. Their Graduate Writing Program will place emphasis on “social justice” and “critical grammar”. The “critical grammar” approach will challenge the standard academic form of the English language. It will favor of a more inclusive writing experience. The curriculum will place an emphasis on the variability of the English language instead of accuracy.

Ms. walkowitz further said; “This approach challenges the familiar dogma that writing instruction should limit emphasis on grammar/sentence-level issues so as to not put students from multilingual, non-standard ‘academic’ English backgrounds at a disadvantage,” Walkowitz said. “Instead, it encourages students to develop a critical awareness of the variety of choices available to them [with] regard to micro-level issues in order to empower them and equip them to push against biases based on ‘written’ accents.”

In response to this nonsense, Leonydus Johnson, who is a a speech pathologist and libertarian activist, stated the school’s change implies that minorities cannot comprehend traditional English making it a racist policy. Johnson called the change “insulting, patronizing, and in itself, extremely racist.”  In speaking with the Washington Free Beacon he said; “It’s like these people believe that being non-white is an inherent handicap or learning disability…. That’s racism. It has become very clear to me that those who claim to be ‘anti-racist’ are often the most racist people in this country.”

iampostiveallofyoupeoplewhosegrammarihavecorrectedarethrillediwillhavetostophelpingyou yourabletocontinuemanglingthenglishlanguage nomoreworriesabouttheretheiryouyouryoureandsuchmatters nomoreworriesabout thosepeskypunctationthingies ihavefrequentlysaidthereisnorestforgrammargeeks atlonglastthosemoreedumacatedthenyourstrulyhavefoundawayforgeekslikemetositbackandrelax
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