Health: What’s that Pain in my Butt?

Wallet Neuropathy


Not what you were thinking, was it?


Men’s wallets are causing men a lot of pain- and it’s not because they’re empty!

Sitting with a full wallet in your back pocket for extended periods can twist the spine and compress the nerves in the buttocks and legs. This unnatural posture leads to inflammation, tingling, and lower-back pain. Wallet Neuropathy or “Hip Wallet Syndrome” is a form of sciatic neuropathy. The sciatic nerve runs underneath (and sometimes through) the piriformis muscle of the buttock; right where that big fat wallet sits in your pocket. The sciatic nerve runs from the pelvis to the thigh. When it is compressed, it becomes inflamed, and the muscles in the buttock and around the hip suffer, and pain can shoot into the back of your leg.

Diagnosis & Treatment

Initial Diagnosis

Observation of that giant wallet in your back pocket!

History & clinical exam

Advanced Diagnosis

Ruling out lumbar sources for the pain, such as S1 nerve root compression – Usually with an MRI and an EMG/NCV

Initial Treatment

  • Walletectomy
  • Stretching of the piriformis muscle

Advanced Treatment

  • Physical therapy
  • Muscle re-eduaction
  • Neural Mobilization

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Disclaimer: This is an informational post designed to foster discussion. It should not substitute for the advice of your doctor.