Kamala Harris’s Policy Positions

Since Joe Biden’s announcement of CommieLa as his Vice Presidential running mate, much has been written. The much has amounted to little, or nothing, of her positions on issues. While perusing various articles, I happened upon a reference to an in-depth article completed by The Daily Wire last year.

The following is a summary of her positions as published by that site. 

Economy: Harris supports tax hikes on wealthier Americans and subscribes to much of the “zero-sum”/”class warfare”-inspired rhetoric that imbues contemporary leftist economic thinking. She supports expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit, which many conservative economic policy wonks would prefer to see phased out and replaced with a low-income wage subsidy. She supports a robust governmental role for regulation of the financial services industry.

Health Care: Harris supports single-payer/”Medicare for All,” which effectively amounts to a governmental takeover of medicine in America. She has called for the total elimination of private health insurance, although she has recently equivocated on total elimination. She has supported legislation that would increase Obamacare subsidies.

Immigration: Harris has vocally supported the criminal alien-harboring sanctuary city policies of her home state of California, and has taken a hard line in support of the DREAM Act and other amnesty legislative initiatives that would undermine America’s sovereignty and empower brutal Mexican cartels and human trafficking rings. She has been a consistently harsh critic of the Trump administration’s attempts to secure our border amidst a hitherto unprecedented influx of Central American migrants.

Foreign Policy: Harris has been relatively supportive of Israel, within the broader context of the increasingly anti-Israel Democratic Party, but she still personally boycotted AIPAC’s 2019 national policy conference. Harris opposed President Donald Trump’s removal of the U.S. from President Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear deal and has consistently voiced opposition to continued military aid for Saudi Arabia, Iran’s chief regional nemesis. She supports a more robust congressional role, and a decreased role for the presidency, in the sphere of foreign relations and military action abroad.

Abortion: Harris is emphatically pro-abortion and supports ending the Hyde Amendment, which has historically banned taxpayer funding of abortion. Harris strongly supports Roe v. Wade and has proposed a dubiously constitutional “Reproductive Rights Act” that would attempt to secure abortion rights via a similar legal mechanism that the 1965 Voting Rights Act utilized to advance voting rights.

Guns: Harris is a consistent supporter of anti-gun policies that would restrict American’s free exercise of their Second Amendment rights. She has promised to unilaterally advance amorphous “executive actions” on guns if she were elected to the presidency. Harris supports a ban on the undefinable sub-class of firearms referred to as so-called “assault weapons” — a line of thought that, if taken to its logical conclusion, could lead to the banning of all semi-automatic firearms in America. Harris has also endorsed 2020 rival Beto O’Rourke’s gun confiscation plan.

If no other reason, she is undeserving of a vote based on her position of the Second Amendment. Adding to that is her desire to end The Hyde Amendment leading to the government – you and me – paying for abortion through (Un)Planned Parenthood. Her positions on other issues are not in the best interest of any group except the Democrat’s chosen identity groups.