Louisville PD Says Enough

After yet another night of violence, the Louisville Metro police department has had enough. BLM has escalated their tactics last week by harassing and/or assaulting pedestrians and restaurant patrons, and damaging property. The increasing violence is what caused the LMPD to crack down.

During last night’s unrest there were several arrest made. From the Journal-Courier:

Twelve people were arrested after downtown protesters Saturday night flipped tables at Fourth Street Live, set trash cans on fire and targeted passing drivers, Louisville Metro Police said.

Eight people were charged with felonies, police spokesman Lamont Washington said, while four others were charged with misdemeanors in the aftermath of the demonstration through downtown.

“This evening, protesters, during their march, blocked roadways, surrounded vehicles that tried to avoid the protest, shot paintballs (at) passing motorists, destroyed property at 4th Street Live while it was occupied with patrons, set trash cans on fire, and then continued to Jefferson Square,” he said in an email at 1:40 a.m. Sunday. “Based off these actions, the assembly was deemed unlawful.”

Louisville has been the site of protests over the killing of Breona Taylor for the past 70 days. Those protests have seen tense confrontations involving agitators harassing drivers. There has been a deadly shooting involving one demonstrator who fired at a crowd during a protest in June, killing a photographer and injuring another marcher.

Lousiville has also been the scene of attempted shakedowns from BLM of local businesses in the area.


Finally someone has had enough. It shouldn’t have taken this long.

I’m all for protests and demonstrations, as long as they don’t turn violent or criminal. I don’t think the rioters realize the amount of damage they’re doing to their cause by acting in this fashion.