Man Who Has Been…

The Babylonbee, as posted below, has another of their excellent satire pieces. 

Man Who Has Been In Government For Nearly 50 Years Promises To Fix Government

August 20, 2020

U.S.—According to sources at the DNC, Joe Biden, a man who has been part of government since before Jaws, Star Wars, the Walkman, the NES, and the publishing of The Silmarillion, is just the man for the difficult task of fixing the government.

“This man who has been part of the broken system since 1972 is our last hope to fix the broken system,” said a DNC spokesperson. “See, since he’s been part of the problem for so long, only he knows how bad the problem is. So only he can fix it. If you got some outsider with, like, morals and stuff, they would be too horrified to even go to Washington in the first place.”

“No, we need someone who’s been part of the swamp and has participated in much injustice, oppression, and bloodshed to fix the whole thing from the ground up.”

He also has a cop helping him out, sources confirmed at publishing time.

The Babylon Bee

Related: Liars gonna lie

In their usual inimitable fashion, they have found a way for the DNC to justify selecting a candidate, to fix all the problems, who has been part and parcel of creating many of said problems. Why would someone, who helped create a bloated system of over regulation, want to change the system? In fact, they want to add ever more regulation and bureaucracy. The agency heads have no intention of giving up their fiefdoms. The serfs enjoy higher pay and benefits, plus guaranteed job security. Do you believe they want improvements? Rhetorical question! Federal employment is the largest welfare program in the country. 30% of the serfs do the work. The remainder fiddle while the country deals with their mess of regulations. 

Do we truly need a 77 year old with 40 plus years as a bureaucrat, as our next President?