of Scouts, Snipers & fishing

So I get this call last week from Sparky

I cannot be 100% positive, but if one knows the Sparky one would think he came into this world with lit sparklers

(maybe it’s the look in his eyes when the fuse is lit, or the smile upon his face)

what ya want sparky?

Chance my rubber bitch finally got here

I take it you ain’t talkin about an air mattress

Hell no! I ordered an inflatable boat back in April and just got here.

Sparky, I’m heading to the shack this weekend, I gotta get away from the insanity

Chance, I’m down the road 42 miles, let’s go fishin

I’ll see you on Sunday Sparky I must say he got himself a real nice Smith fly

Thing about Sparky, he’s a catch & release kinda fisherman, unlike me, I eat what I catch

Jarhead, no fish in my boat

Squid, I know the rules

about 20 minutes later after getting to where we were going, we both started catching Browns

then I heard…. Chance, what the hell you doing? Sparky, you said and I quote

“no fish in my boat”

smiling at Sparky I said, it’s a damn good thing I brought a stringer with me, to keep your rubber bitch fish free eh! 4 nice browns for me, while Sparky got nothin to show for getting his rubber bitch wet. (plus shipping)

He stopped his complaining when I threatened to shoot his new girl friend, the rubber bitch

to calm things down I started talking how his craft went from silent death to fishin

(in tight)

want a beer Chance?

I brought Stanley coffee

thanks anyway

90% of the people I know are vets, seems they are the only ones I can get along with

kinda sorta and somewhat