Do you remember the story about James Younger? He’s the 8 year old boy who’s mother wants to turn him into a girl. It made the national news last fall.

After receiving a bunch of media attention, the judge in the case, Kim Cooks, awarded Jeffrey Younger, James’ father, a say in medical, psychological, and psychiatric decisions for James and his brother Jude.

In a ruling on Tuesday, a different judge, Mary Brown, who was appointed to the case in January, granted a petition from Anne Georgulas to have sole discretion over medical and psychological decisions. From Life site news:

Yesterday’s ruling effectively reverses Judge Kim Cooks’ October order. After almost a week in court, in October Cooks had granted both parents, Mr. Younger and his ex-wife Dr. Georgulas, a say in medical, psychological, and psychiatric decisions for James and Jude. If the parents could not agree, a court-appointed parenting coordinator would be the tie-breaker. Now, Georgulas – who supports subjecting James to a gender “transition” – will be in charge of those decisions. Georgulas is not even James and Jude’s biological mother; she and her now-ex-husband used an egg donor to conceive the boys via in-vitro fertilization.

Judge Brown’s ruling came without the hearing that was scheduled to take place yesterday. There was no explanation why Judge Brown issued her order without the proper hearing.

This is child abuse. And it isn’t just that whack job Georgulas. The judge that granted the order Tuesday is guilty of it too.