Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 4

Portland BLM/AntiFa was at it again last night. This time their target was the Portland Police Association building.

For the record, it wasn’t tear gas, some of the rioters threw smokebombs.

Last night’s stupid game prize winner belongs to this douche.

I suppose some context is in order. The rioters were blocking an intersection and had gone so far as to put up some fencing. As the driver of the truck approached, they surrounded his vehicle and started beating on it. I’ve seen reports that they tried to slash the tires on the truck as well.

What kind of idiot drops a motorcycle in front of a truck? Especially in that situation. You’re just asking for the dude to drive off with it under his bumper, just like what happened.

Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes. . . .