Senator Ted Cruz (OG, TX), triggered Senator Mazie Hirono (snowflake, HI), so badly she stormed out. This happened at the Senate Subcommittee on The Constitution’s “The Right of the People Peaceably to Assemble: Protecting Speech by Stopping Anarchist Violence” hearing on Tuesday
Cruz, the hearing Chair, repeatedly asked the Democrats in the hearing to denounce AntiFa violence. Hirono refused and left the hearing before Cruz adjourned. Watch:
Hirono spent most of her time talking about the threat white supremacist groups pose and criticized the Department of Homeland Security for sending federal officers to protect the Federal Courthouse in Portland. Hirono said the officers were using too much force on the peaceful protesters.

See also: Missing Marines Located
When Cruz asked her to denounce AntiFa violence, she snapped and stormed out. “I think that I’ve covered the subject quite well,” Hirono replied before leaving the hearing room.
Why is it so difficult for Democrats to denounce the violence from AntiFa and it’s offshoots?