Start with the bad always end with the good

thinking most would agree, don’t matter how bad it is

just tell the truth

the Ugly truth

The Satanic Temple is protesting waiting periods, mandatory counseling, and “unwanted sonograms,” by claiming that abortion is a satanic practice and should be protected due to religious freedom.

Oregon v. Smith. In that case, the Supreme Court ruled that the state could deny unemployment benefits to a person fired for violating a state prohibition on the use of peyote, even if used during part of a religious ritual.

The case ultimately set the precedent that states are allowed to accommodate illegal acts if they are performed in pursuit of religious beliefs, but they are not required to do so.

In a prewritten statement, TST’s “reproductive rights spokesperson” Jane Essex wrote that “many states have laws that interfere with our members’ ability to practice their religious beliefs. No Christian would accept a mandatory waiting period before they can partake in Communion. No Christian would tolerate a law that insists state counseling is necessary before someone can be baptized. Our members are justly entitled to religious liberty in order to practice our rituals as well.”

Essex added that “the law is clearly on our side. If RFRA states do not want to recognize our rights, they will ultimately have to claim that our abortions are not satanic. Given that many people fanatically insist that all abortions are satanic, the states’ argument will be very unpopular. Not only will those who deny Satanists their religious freedom be denounced by defenders of liberty, but they will also be detested by those who demonize abortion. Hopefully, states will do the right thing and respect our legal rights.

The Gateway Pundit

The ugly truth here these are sick murderous bastards

Some good

Having finished a project at which I pretty much broke even for my efforts

I was asked to make a gift about a month ago

which leaves me 8 months give or take a week to finish the gift

and may I add I was given parameters

No marine stuff, no camo items it’s not even born and it’s got enough of that to fill 3 footlockers

I kinda frowned at that anything else? I was then told, there’s no native blood in either of us so go easy on that

I frowned some more… is that it?


ok then

if anyone can find a decent fleece print that I may like please feel to share it I

got the rabbit fur which is short hair (indian stuff)

tee heeeee heeee

I’m thinking a crib blanket black trim/white fur and this

extra stuff

putting the life givers in harm’s way makes no sense

can some do it, sure

it’s not Woman’s first and best task

and there’s this

I’m a 3 eFer

Faith Family Freedom