The Manufactured Hysteria…

On August 18th, PJ Media had a headline reading; “The Manufactured Hysteria Over Mail Delivery

The new Trump conspiracy by the Democrats is his attempt to sabotage the November election. How is he committing this sabotage? He will not give the postal unions and incompetent managers in the postal service $25 billion to play with. The usual suspects, Pelosi and her cronies, have declared this a crisis. According to the usual suspects, procrastinators, those who lack planning skills to mail their vote in in a timely manner, will find their votes will not be counted. Whose fault is their lack of planning? Need you ask? 

The article contains information from various postal worker organizations, issued this past Saturday, and reads as follows:

“The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) and the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) know the truth; the members of these unions are the people who actually process and deliver the mail. Postal Workers and Letter Carriers both say, unequivocally, that no matter how much the administration tries to undermine trust in the postal system, the system remains fully capable of delivering every single ballot cast by mail in a secure and timely manner.

“Indeed, the NALC assures that even if every single vote in the November 2020 election were cast by mail, the U.S. Postal Service would have no problem delivering the ballots, whether or not Congress provides the funding included in the HEROES Act.

“The U.S. Postal Service has an entire structure in place to coordinate with state and local election boards to facilitate secure and timely delivery of mail ballots.

See also: The View from Here

One would think with such reassurances, the coterie of hysteria would feel reassured. One would be incorrect. The crone is about to call the members of the House of Representatives off the campaign trail and back to Washington to deal with the “crisis.”

Interestingly enough and according to various news sources, they are returning to discuss organizational issues and not funding. You may be asking why they need to deal with organizational issues, not the Post Master General. That is a topic all its own. 

After writing the above diatribe, let me get to the important message. 


Having said that, if you live in a predominantly blue progressive geography, voting by mail is, probably, safe. The letter carriers and other postal employees will want to make sure all ballots are delivered! Make no mistake, they are fully supportive of the Biden ticket. If you live in a red geographic area or a swing geographic area, I would have little faith in all ballots being delivered in a timely manner. You need to take the old postal slogan as your mantra; through rain, sleet or snow..the voter will go in person to vote. 

Finally, as you consider the time and effort to go vote in person, Samual Adams provides us with wise thoughts.

Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual — or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.” —Samuel Adams (1781)

Source: The Manufactured Hysteria over Mail Delivery