The Nile Virus

I thought very important you be aware of this virus. Maybe with awareness you can avoid being infected with it. 

Even the most advanced computer programs from Norton, McAfee, and others cannot take care of this one. It appears primarily to target those who were born prior to 1948. 

The current pandemic lockdown seems to be increasing the chances of being affected! 

[Some of you getting this may be too young, but it may still be around when you enter the window of susceptibility.]

Virus Symptoms:

1. Causes you to send the same e-mail twice. (Done that)

2. Causes you to send a blank e-mail. (That too)

3. Causes you to send an e-mail to the wrong person. (Yup)

4. Causes you to send it back to the person who sent it to you. (Ah-ha)

5. Causes you to forget to attach the attachment. (Done that)

6. Causes you to hit SEND before you’ve finished. (Oh no, not again)

7. Causes you to hit DELETE instead of SEND. (Hate that)

8. Causes you to hit SEND when you should DELETE. (Heck, now what?)

This virus is called the C-NILE  virus!

A lot of us have already been inflicted with this deadly disease and unfortunately as we age it gets worse.

And if you can’t admit to doing any of the above, you’ve obviously caught the other strain: 
the D-NILE virus!