The View from Here

Todays featured image is of Beaver Lake, part of the Beaver Lake Nature Center in Baldwinsville NY.

Law enforcement in Winnebago county and the city of Rockford IL know how to deal with unruly protesters. When BLM activists tried to shut down a busy intersection, they were promptly dealt with by the police and sheriff’s deputies.

They ended up arresting 17 on charges ranging from disorderly conduct, to mob action, aggravated battery to a peace officer and resisting arrest. Even better, the Winnebago county prosecutor called out the BLM marchers for infringing on the rights of others to have free passage on the roads within the county. 

Howard Zucker, the NYS Commissioner of Health testified in front of a joint state hearing today. He tried to defend the Cuomo administration’s nursing home policy. I say tried, because what I watched of it, he was on his heels the whole time. And it wasn’t just republican law makers doing the grilling.  Democratic state senator James Skoufis asked about the number of nursing home patients who died in hospitals. When Zucker couldn’t provide that data, “It perplexes me,” Skoufis said, “that you don’t have this fundamental information.”

Staying in NY for the moment, the primary count there still isn’t done six weeks after primary day. From the NYT:

Election officials in New York City widely distributed mail-in ballots for the primary on June 23, which featured dozens of hard-fought races. The officials had hoped to make voting much easier, but they did not seem prepared for the response: more than 10 times the number of absentee ballots received in recent elections in the city.

Now, nearly six weeks later, two closely watched congressional races remain undecided, and major delays in counting a deluge of 400,000 mail-in ballots and other problems are being cited as examples of the challenges facing the nation as it looks toward conducting the November general election during the pandemic. …

American Goddess has a piece about mail-in voting here. It’s worth a read.

No comment. . . .

I covered the initial mishap here, but it seems the Navy and Marine Corps has called off the search for the 8 missing troops that went down with their AAV. Identification is pending the notification of next of kin.

Fair winds and following seas. . . .

The Navy SEAL museum in Ft Pierce Florida is at the center of some controversy. In a video posted on Twitter (watch below) a man in a Colin Kaepernick jersey is used as a target for some K9 practice. The Navy being the Navy, issued a statement and launched an investigation. This is what NAVSPECWARCOM had to say:

The inherent message of this video is completely inconsistent with the values and ethos of Naval Special Warfare and the U.S. Navy. We are investigating the matter fully, and initial indications are that there were no active-duty Navy personnel or equipment involved with this independent organization’s event.

Yeah, ok. Oh, and Lighten up Francis. . .

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