Today’s featured image is of Delta Lake. The lake is a man-made impoundment of the Mohawk river, originally intended to provide water for the Erie Canal.
A new Gallup poll spells trouble for the MSM. 73% of the population thinks media bias is a major problem. And 84% think the media is to blame for the political division in the US. No duh.
I’ll get back to you with commentary about this as soon as I stop laughing. . . .
It seems the McCloskey persecution goes farther than suspected. Assistant Circuit Attorney Chris Hinckley pressured the lead investigator on the case, Sgt. Curtis Burgdorf to reach the conclusion the Circuit Attorney’s office wanted. When he didn’t get what he wanted he went over Burgdorf’s head to Maj. Angela Coonce, his supervisor. Also of note, Kim Gardner won her race to continue as Circuit Attorney.
Nope, still laughing. . . .
Resistance heroine Sally Yates testified in front of the Senate Judiciary committee today. My takeaway? Either she’s the one dumbest DoJ employee to ever sit in that seat or the most corrupt. She claimed to not have knowledge of what her goddamned assistant, Bruce Our, was up to half the time. She also tried to throw Lurch err, James Comey under the bus.
This little tidbit crossed the transom just after I hit publish on the Beirut update so it’s going here. It seems that the goat f*ckers Hezbollah likes playing with ammonium nitrate. They were caught stockpiling the fertilizer in both England and Germany. From the Jerusalem Post:
Hezbollah kept three metric tons of ammonium nitrate, the explosive thought to be behind the mega blast in Beirut this week, in a storehouse in London, until MI5 and the London Metropolitan Police found it in 2015.
The Lebanese terrorist group also stored hundreds of kilograms of ammonium nitrate in southern Germany, which were uncovered earlier this year.
The Iran-backed terrorists kept the explosive in thousands of ice packs in four properties in northwest London, according to a report in The Telegraph last year. The ice pack deception tactic was used in Germany, as well.
Who knows if that’s why the 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate were being stored at the port or not. It’s rumored that Hezbollah controls at least part of the port, or what’s left of it, in Beirut.
Sorry, still laughing. . . .

See also: Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes 4
Presumptive Democratic nominee for President, Joe Biden, announced he would not be appearing at the party’s convention. The gaffe-tastic Joe said he’d deliver a speech from his basement in Delaware instead.
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