The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Raquette Lake. The lake is within the Adirondack park in Hamilton county NY

It seems Nancy Pelosi doesn’t like being questioned. When PBS reporter Judy Woodruff asked a question she had a meltdown. All Woodruff asked was what Nan thought about the fact some are saying she’s the one holding up the coronavirus aid package.

Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti is threatening to shut off power and water to homes and businesses that host large gatherings. I have two Thoughts about this. First how very Guevara-esque of him. Second, I can’t wait for the lawsuits to follow. Hopefully he’s named personally.

The Trump campaign outraised the Biden campaign by $25 million last month and surpassed the $1 billion mark. The Trump campaign and Republican National Committee (RNC) combined to raise $165 million in July, compared with $140 million for Biden and the Democratic National Committee.

Y’all know who James O’Keefe is? He’s the founder of Project Veritas and has claimed some pretty big scalps with his exposé’s. Well, it seems he has been placed on the prohibited individual list in NICS, the national instant check system. He has been listed as a convicted felon despite never having been convicted of a felony. Makes you wonder some. . . .

Ohio governor and panic porn enthusiast, Mike DeWine has tested positive for the Chinese lung AIDS. DeWine, a republican, locked his state down, hard, and is having a tough time letting go. Best of luck Mike, according to you you’re walking dead at this point.

No, this isn’t pornhub. A landlord in Elizabeth NJ, is being sued by the DOJ. The suit alleges that he has subjected tenants and applicants to sexual harassment on multiple occasions since at least 2005. Joseph Centanni owns hundreds of rental units and from the filing, it looks like they’re all section 8. Scumbag.

Speaking of pornhub and scumbags. Ron Jeremy is in some hot water. He was charged with rape a couple of weeks ago, and since then, more than 2 dozen other women have come forward. The new accusations range from inappropriate touching to forcible rape and sodomy.

In an earlier story I noted the New York attorney general was suing the NRA, looking to have the association disbanded. Well, the NRA has filed a counter-suit, accusing her of defamation and violating its rights to free speech. This editor is a lifetime member of the NRA, however, given the current leadership, I don’t really support them like I used to.

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