The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Taughannock Falls. The falls plunge 215 feet into the gorge from the cliffs. They’re located near Trumansburg in Tompkins county NY.

Il Duce Andy Cuomo gave his stamp of approval for New York schools to reopen this fall. I suppose that means the left is going to pivot. Again. Remember when they were all bleating about how Trump and his Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos wanted to murder children? I do.

By the way, this decision is a pretty big smack in the face of the teachers unions. Not that it’s gonna make a difference, they’ll still make outrageous demands.

Shipwreckedcrew, a former federal prosecutor and current writer for RedState, has a very good explainer on the limitations the DOJ has about prosecution of political figures prior to an election. In short, there aren’t any, either official, or unofficial. I highly recommend his piece, as I can’t explain it any better or more concisely. Full disclosure, this editor relies on shipwreckedcrew for federal legal analysis. If you’re on the Twitter he’s worth a follow.

It’s beginning to look like Susan Rice is going to be Plugs err, Joe Biden’s choice for VP. She recently divested from Netflix and made some other investment moves. With the other potential VP candidates having been seriously damaged of late, she may be the safer choice.

It seems the coronavirus aid talks have come to a standstill. The major sticking points seem to be continuing unemployment funding and aid to state and local governments. The President has indicated he may issue executive orders covering the unemployment issue and to prevent evictions and foreclosures. Chief of staff Mark Meadows says the Dems want a $2.5 trillion blank check.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D, Gaza) has been found guilty of ethics violations by the House ethics committee. The committee found that Tlaib violated FECA’s personal use restrictions by paying herself $10,800 from her campaign when she was no longer a congressional candidate in late 2018 and ordered her to repay that amount back to her campaign within one year, the committee said in a report.

I have a question, why are these matters not handled in a court of law? Seems like criminal double dealing to me. . . .

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Ibrahim E. Bouaichi shot and killed Karla Dominguez. Why am I telling you this? Well, Ibrahim was accused of rape. By Karla. He was being held without bond in Virginia until his lawyers argued he should be released from prison due to the coronavirus pandemic in April. So what does this skell do as soon as he gets out? Hunts down his accuser and shoots her to death. I volunteer to throw the switch or whatever. Just saying. . . .

A ship has run aground in Mauritius. The MV Wakashio, a Panamanian flagged, Japanese owned bulk carrier, hit a reef offshore. Mauritius has said the ship was carrying nearly 4,000 tons of fuel and cracks have appeared in its hull. The waters around Mauritius are some of the most bio-diverse in the world.

The Mauritanian government has asked for international assistance in containing and cleaning up the spill.

The Feds have discovered a smuggling tunnel in the Arizona desert. It connected the towns of San Luis, AZ and San Luis, Mexico. From the ICE press release:

“Homeland Security Investigations and our esteemed law enforcement partners swiftly and effectively worked together to uncover and dismantle a cross-border tunnel for smuggling purposes into the United States,” said Scott Brown, special agent in charge of HSI Phoenix. “Despite the international pandemic, HSI and our law enforcement colleagues remain resilient and committed to pursue dangerous criminal trans-border smuggling activities along the southwest border.”

Maybe they need to contact the Israelis, they know how to deal with tunnels.

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