The View from Here

Todays featured image is of Otisco Lake. One of the 11 Finger lakes, it is located in Onondaga county NY.

What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander as far as I’m concerned. And this item coming out of Portland is just that. AntiFa rioters were gathering to plan their nights mayhem at a Portland Park when they got a rude awakening. Someone chucked some fireworks at them.

The black clad children insist on calling it a “pipebomb” but it’s clearly a cardboard tube. If you ask me, it looks like someone stripped the outer wrapper off some commercial fireworks. The children, who frankly need a spanking, have thrown far worse at the feds and local cops over the last 2+ months. Sack up kids. . . .

The Seattle city council had a hissy fit after they couldn’t cut the police budget by 50%. So instead they cut the pay of the Chief of police, Carmen Best. Seems they couldn’t have a competent, outspoken black woman making their lives miserable by calling out the council and mayor Jenny Durkan’s mismanagement of the riots occuring in Seattle. Her pay is now $100,000 less than the previous chief, a white woman. And that’s raciss. . . .

Two of the three anal orifices that murdered, allegedly, Ahmaud Arbery want out on bail and some of the charges dropped. Yeah, good luck with that.

The US is placing sanctions on Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam. The sanctions were authorized by an executive order that President Donald Trump signed recently to levy penalties against China for its efforts to curtail anti-government protesters in Hong Kong.

Space, the final frontier. For SJW anyway. NASA is revisiting the nicknames used for celestial bodies. “NASA is examining its use of unofficial terminology for cosmic objects as part of its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion,” they said in a news release this past week. “As the scientific community works to identify and address systemic discrimination and inequality in all aspects of the field, it has become clear that certain cosmic nicknames are not only insensitive but can be actively harmful,” the release continued. Good thing SpaceX took over, say what you want about Elon Musk, he’s got a set on him.

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