Today’s featured image is of Labrador pond. The pond is located in the Labrador hollow unique area near Truxton, Cortland county NY.
Minneapolis’ desire to disband it’s PD may occur organically despite the city charter commission preventing a ballot initiative. Of the department’s 850ish sworn officers, more than 200 have started the process for medical retirement based on a diagnosis of PTSD.
So much for the sterotype of the polite Canadian. It seems that Canadians are reporting cars with US plates to the RCMP. Some of the Canadians living near the border have done more than simply report the perceived trespassers to the authorities. There have been multiple reported incidents of harassment, including cars being vandalized, random rude gestures, and at least one report of a (minor) physical assault.
Soory, but I’m going to have to report you hosers, eh? Care for a double double and some timbits while we wait for the Mounties. . . .
Based on the latest order out of the DC Court of Appeals, the judges there seem to be concerned that judge Sullivan is no longer a neutral arbiter. They seem to think he’s shown bias in the way he’s run the circus surrounding General Flynn’s trial.
Not that it affects me, I’m not a huge college football fan, but the Big 10 announced it was cancelling the season due to covid. As of now, the other “Power 5” conferences are still playing.
The Lebanese prime minister dissolved the government and resigned today. There have been massive demonstrations in that country in the wake of the explosion (you can find our coverage of that here, here and here) that leveled a good portion of the capital, Beirut. Honestly, a corrupt, inept government is better than no government, especially in the midst of a situation like the one Lebanon finds itself in.

See also: Chicago Wracked by Looting Last Night
The post election unrest continues in Belarus. The opposition candidate has rejected the results and called for more protests. Unfortunately, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya is now in custody at the central election building. Security forces were reported as using live ammo on protesters.
The TSA found 15.3 guns for every million people screened in July. This is triple the number of those screened found with guns in July of 2019, at 5.1 per million people, according to the AP. “Even more concerning is that 80% of the firearms coming into the checkpoint are loaded, and it’s just an accident waiting to happen,” said TSA Administrator David Pekoske.
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