The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Sandy Pond NY. The pond is an embayment on the eastern shore of Lake Ontario.

As part of the rioting and looting in Chiraq Sunday, the mob smashed windows and doors at the Ronald McDonald house. From ABC7:

“[We were] very concerned there was a lot of activity right in front of the house, people making choices that could put them at risk and put our families at risk so the staff was frightened,” said Lisa Mitchell, of Ronald McDonald House Charities.

More than 30 families and their sick children were inside along with staff as they helplessly watched everything unfold outside.

“They are already in a really really difficult spot, and having this kind of additional stress and worry about getting to and from the hospital even-though we are 5 blocks away because of safety concerns is just doubling the strain,” Mitchell said.

I swear to Dog. . . .

I’m taking bets, how long before Ghislane Maxwell suicides? She was taken off suicide watch and is being moved into general population at the Manhattan federal detention center.

Vladimir Putin announced Russia has an effective Chinese lung AIDS vaccine. The vaccine hasn’t undergone phase three testing and the Russians aren’t forthcoming with the data from the phase two tests. But Vlad gave it to his daughter, so it must be safe.

Okay then, that’s covid cured.

I wrote about the unrest in Belarus following the elections there a couple of days ago. There’s an update today. Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, the main opposition candidate, released a pair of video statements after being held against her will by authorities at the central election commision building in Minsk. She was then transported to Lithuania. Her husband, who’s shoes she stepped into while running for president, has been in prison since May.

I watched the statements, and they seem like forced confessions to me. She was reading from a script both times. Her campaign manager, Maria Kolesnikova, had this to say “It’s very difficult to resist pressure when your family and all your inner circle have been taken hostages”.

Meanwhile, the unrest in Belarus continues. Security forces have used tear gas, water cannons, rubber bullets and brute force to quell the protests.


I’ve seen some ridiculously stupid things relating to the WuFlu, but this has to top them all. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources now mandates all employees wear masks. On Zoom calls. FFS, this makes my head hurt.

The “reasoning” behind the mandate is it may sway some people to wear masks. Because, you know, we all turn to the DNR for health advice.

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