The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Bob’s lake in eastern Ontario Canada. The lake is the source of the Tay river.

The 9/11 Memorial & Museum has announced the 9/11 “Tribute in Light” has been cancelled. They cited coronavirus concerns as the reason for the cancellation. NYC council members Joe Borelli (R-Staten Island) and Justin Brannan (D-Brooklyn) are working to get the display back on track.

Good luck gentleman, this is something that everyone should get behind.

Abdullah al-Faisal, a radical Islamic cleric, was arraigned in New York City Friday on charges that he was recruiting for the Islamic State. He was extradited from Jamaica, where he’d been held since 2017.

AntiFa/BLM goons pulled down a statue of George Washington in Los Angeles’ Grant Park.

So far, 7 of the dolts have been arrested. I swear to Dog. . . .

Remember those 5 Iranian tankers filled with fuel headed for Venezuela? They tried it again recently with 4 different tankers and the US has confiscated all 1.1 million gallons of that fuel. A federal judge issued a warrant for the fuel, and according to The Associated Press, quoting unnamed U.S. officials, no military force was used in the seizure of the cargo, and none of the ships was physically impounded. Instead, U.S. officials threatened ship owners, insurers and captains with sanctions to force them to hand over their cargo.

The Oregon State Police are pulling out of Portland, apparently because the Multnomah county prosecutor won’t prosecute rioters there.

I have to wonder if this signals the return of Federal officers. I’d say this abrogates the agreement between the Feds and governor Kate Brown. I guess we’ll see. . . .

Anyone here not seen Blazing Saddles? It seems the Mel Brooks classic now has a 3+ minute long disclaimer before it runs on HBO. Apparently, HBO doesn’t think the audience can figure out the satire for itself.

Austin City Council voted unanimously to defund the Austin Police Department. The vote was in favor of taking one-third of the police department’s funding away and moving that money to something called the Decouple and Reimagine Safety funds. 

Goodnight Austin. . . .

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