The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Schroon Lake. The lake is located in Essex county NY.

It seems Goodyear stepped in it. A couple of days ago, a slide from some internal training showed up on the web. The slide detailed what was and wasn’t appropriate for employees to wear to work.

Appropriate were BLM and LBGQT other SJW slogans. What wasn’t? MAGA, 2nd amendment or blue lives matter slogans. The President called them out for it and called for a boycott.

Apparently, you all aren’t the only ones not tuning into the Democratic convention (see the snap poll). The primetime viewership is down bigly. The big three are down 46% compared to 2016 and the cable networks are down 16%.

Scott Israel, the former sheriff of Broward county Florida lost his primary bid to Gregory Tony, the current Broward sheriff. Israel, who was sheriff at the time of the Parkland high school shooting, was removed from his position by Florida governor Ron DeSantis. Hopefully this is the last we’ll see of that choad.

How inept is the DNC? Well, how’s this for starters: they failed to buy up the digital ad space for their virtual convention. So the Trump campaign did. About $10 million in total including a banner ad at the top of YouTube.

There are a couple of Army specialists that may be wishing they didn’t do what they did. And that was to appear at a political event in uniform. The photo below is from the American Samoa delegation during the rollcall vote for the Democratic nomination.

From an Army Spokesman:

“The Army is investigating two Soldiers from the 9th Mission Support Command who appeared in uniform during the Democratic National Convention on Aug.18. Wearing a uniform to a partisan political event like this is prohibited.  The Army follows the Department of Defense’s longstanding and well-defined policy regarding political campaigns and elections to avoid the perception of DoD sponsorship, approval or endorsement of any political candidate, campaign or cause. Examples of prohibited political activities include campaigning for a candidate, soliciting contributions, marching in a partisan parade and wearing the uniform to a partisan event.”

Who knows where this will go, if anywhere, but the woman who livestreamed herself looting in downtown Chicago has been arrested. Kim Foxx isn’t all that keen on prosecuting felons. . . .

California is in the midst of an outbreak of wildfires. There are 367 known fires, including 23 major fires or groups of fires, burning across the state.

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