The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Stillwater Reservoir. The reservoir is an impoundment of the Beaver River, located on the western edge of the Adirondacks in Herkimer county NY.

That’s funny right dere, I don’t care who ya are.

Add Admiral Ackbar err, Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot to the NIMBY/Good for me but not for thee ranks. Back in July she ordered up some CPD protection for her home.

“I think that residents of this city, understanding the nature of the threats that we are receiving on a daily basis, on a daily basis, understand I have a right to make sure that my home is secure,” Lightfoot told reporters, according to the Chicago Tribune.

What about everyone else living in Chiraq Admiral err Mayor?

While I didn’t watch much of the Dems just concluded “convention” I did notice someone wasn’t involved. Tulsi Gabbard. The Rep from Hawaii was one of seven candidates to earn delegates for the presidential nomination. Turns out she wasn’t even invited.

This is the modern Democratic party. A 19-year-old, who confessed that he carried out abusive behavior toward multiple girls in middle school, won his primary race for the Kansas state House of Representatives. Community college student Aaron Coleman won his primary despite confessing that he engaged in “bullying, revenge porn, and blackmail.” He beat a 13 year incumbent, Stan Frownfelter, 823 to 809.

25 year old Marquise Lee Love has been arrested. For those of you who don’t know who he is, he’s the asshat that took a running kick at a dudes head in Seattle about a week ago.

The victim, Adam Haner, had been helping a woman who had some of her things stolen by the rioters. When they turned their attention to him, he attempted to escape, only to crash his truck. That’s when the assault commenced in earnest.

Love has been charged with riot, coercion, and second-degree assault. His total bail is set at $260,000, jail records indicate. I hope he likes buggery. . . .

A mayoral candidate in Sumter, South Carolina, reportedly faked her own kidnapping and assault via Facebook Live to garner “sympathy votes.”

Sabrina Belcher apparently coordinated her assault and kidnapping with Christopher Eaddy, WIS News reports. “This was simply an effort to create disorder and discontent in our community for personal gain,” said Chief Russell Roark, according to the news station.

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The Golden State killer will die behind bars. Joseph DeAngelo, 74, pled guilty in June to 13 murders and 13 rape-related charges stemming from crimes in the 1970s and ’80s under an agreement that spares him the death penalty. Today, Sacramento County Superior Court Judge Michael Bowman handed down several consecutive life sentences. Good riddance, although personally, I’d have rather had him ride the lightning. . . .

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