The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Cayuta lake. The lake is one of the smallest of the Finger lakes and is located in Schuyler county NY.

Former CIA director John Brennan was questioned by special prosecutor John Durham and his team yesterday. The interview lasted at least 8 hours. My guess? The entire session was intended as a perjury trap for Brennan.

That’s a Portland city commisioner. She’s clearly gaslighting.

And honestly, she’s exactly what the people of Portland deserve. They voted for that lunacy after all. . . .

You may have seen the latest panic porn being peddled by the MSM. The one about 600 Miami-Dade school employees testing positive for the Chinese lung AIDS? Yeah, that’s not what its being portrayed as. While there have been 600 positives, that’s the cumulative from March to July. School hasn’t even started yet in Florida.

I mentioned Alexei Navalny, the Russians opposition leader, being poisoned here. He is now in a coma and has been spirited to Germany for treatment. The doctors in the hospital in Omsk, Siberia, that initially treated him say they were pressured by the Kremlin to keep him there. However, the finally approved his release and transfer. Wonder why they held off? Could it be so the poison had a chance to metabolize? Nah, couldn’t have been that.

I don’t know if any of you saw this, but a pair of Biden supporting “women” assaulted a mother and stole her 7 year old son’s MAGA hat.

there was some good news to come out of the incident. Donald Trump Jr has promised a new hat, one autographed by the President no less.

As this piece was going to press, there’s been a development in the story. Wilmington police arrested 21-year-old Olivia Winslow, charging her with first-degree robbery, second-degree conspiracy, endangering the welfare of a child. The second harpy uh, woman has yet to be arrested.

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