The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of the Black River. The Black flows through Herkimer, Oneida, Lewis and Jefferson counties in upstate NY.

Kenosha Wisconsin was the site of the latest AntiFa/BLM rioting. In the wake of a police shooting, the city of 100 thousand on the shores of Lake Michigan went up in flames. At one point, the rioters were shooting at cops.

The rioters set fire to a car dealership, a library, garbage trucks and multiple businesses during the rampage.

A new Gallup poll shows that Americans claiming to be Democrats or affiliated with the party dropped by two points since the same poll was conducted in June. Enthusiasm for the Republican Party, however, increased by three points, shrinking the Democratic advantage five points. The spread in the poll is 48% Dem vs 43% republican. The same poll shows a slight increase in the President’s approval rating, which is now at 42%.

Remember Scott Peterson? The wife killer from California, not the coward of Broward. Well, he got his death sentence overturned.

Its deja vu all over again. And no, I don’t mean Yogi Berra is coming back. The rumors about Kin Jong Un are swirling again. Apparently, according to reports, in tabloids, without decent sourcing, he’s allegedly in a coma. Again. Or dead. Or otherwise incapacitated. The source of all this speculation is the fact he delegated some of his authority to his sister and two other members of the NK politburo. Until there’s a huge state funeral, I’m going to stick with the he’s alive and well school of thought.

Ready for the next 2020 thing? Jumping Asian earthworms. I’m not even kidding. They’re about 6 inches long and can jump it seems. They’ve been found in Western NY, and environmentalists are concerned they’re disrupting the natural cycle of leaf litter on the forest floor there.

Live coverage of the Republican National Convention here at Milvets and Patriots will begin at approximately 1945, with the first speakers scheduled for 2030. Come join us.

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